I talked to Boss #2, who finally got hold of Boss #1. We got clarification on 2 opportunities, both of which I think we’ll see some kind of conclusion on during my visit to Austin next 2 weeks.
Opportunity #1: I will be talking to a manager who is looking to fill two positions in Austin. Bottom line: I will need to move if this opportunity happens.
Opportunity #2: I’d be like a paratrooper, maybe we can call it consulting. Where I can do projects for different clients instead of the one I have now. No one is too confident on this one. Even though the potential success of my role would mean major money savings for everyone involved, no one is willing to take on the cost to see if it works. Basically, I need to convince them. Honestly, I’m not sure. I’m confident in my abilities. I guess I just see some overlapping between what I do to what already exist, therefore, the potential value are probably not as big as they expect. Also, I still need to move…somewhere closer to the action.
He wants to know what I think. I really don’t know what I think until I have more information, which is what I told him. He says to take a good look around Austin and the facilities and we’ll talk when I get back.
He’s honest. He said he will let me know if anything comes up here locally, but really nothing in this facility is inline with what I direction I'm going. I’ve known this too. It was the reason why I tried hard to get on this current gig to begin with.
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