Friday, May 23, 2008

Career update

It’s time for another update on what happened at work last week.

I wrote a letter to the guy I interviewed with in Austin. Thank you very much but after talking it over with my family, I decided to stay put. It’s not my reason but it’s an easy one to give. He was very nice. Told me to contact him if I ever feel like relocating.

Then I had a meeting with my local Boss. I told him that I will not be pursuing the Austin opportunity. I gave him the same reason and he understood.

Also, I told him about this current project. I have been committed to this project without really being consulted. Since the word is out it would look unprofessional for me to back out. However, I am not interested in taking on any similar projects in the future. It’s important for me to say since they were considering this as my permanent role.

He asked me why. I told him I didn’t want to travel so much. Again an easy out for me. Then he said I could do most of my job remotely. I told him the truth. Career development. I felt that I have nowhere to develop. He said he understands.

This means end of the project and end of my current client contract ends around June/July. After that there is nothing planned for me. He said he will talk with my San Jose boss. I don’t know what that means since San Jose boss already gave me these two options. The ball really is in local Boss’s court. However, I decided to leave it there for this meeting and see what develops.

Oh and before we started the meeting we were talking about performance reviews. He said he already talked to my other bosses and the feedbacks are good. We are going to have a meeting when I get back.

AND…why am I sitting in front of computer during the day on my vacation? I have to work and am currently waiting on a conference call. Annoyed.

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