Thursday, July 17, 2008

Unexpected development with Laptop

I talk to Bil whenever I purchase electronics. I was talking to him about which laptops to buy, and he offered to give me his. Apparently he got a few scholarships (he’s doing grad school part time), however, some of them have conditions. One scholarship he must put towards books, travel to conferences, and laptop etc.

I was surprised and touched. It’s a really nice thing to do. His laptop is quite nice. Anyway, now we just wait for him to get approval for buying the laptop. When he gets his, he’ll give me the old one. I offered to pay him but he said no. I think I’ll get them something or take them out to dinner. I need some time to think of something good.


laughing808 said...

dang, that was seriously a nice gesture.

I say give him a thank you card with a gift certificate.

Rhona said...

Sweet! I hope you get it. Very kind of him.

Canadian Saver said...

Awesome the way it worked out!