I've talked about the decay of my laptop since last August. I no long use the original screen, keyboard, or touch pad, the battery no longer works and one of the three USB ports broke a least two years ago.
However, given that there are a few more things to save for that are a little higher on my list, the laptop fund has been at a stand still.
Last week, another thing happened to it, I think a virus. I'm not sure since everything stopped working. I spent all weekend trying to fix and IT'S BACK! Minus virus and plus a few more security features. Yay!
When I had to reinstall everything I was a little worried. I can't for the life of me find my copy of Microsoft Office. Understandable since I think I last used it 4 years and 3 moves ago. All my regular sources for software are currently unavailable right now, I didn't know what I was going to do.
Until I talked to this guy who was sitting next to me during dinner Friday night. I'm now using OpenOffice. It's free. For all my needs very similar to Microsoft Office. Also, it can read and create Microsoft Office documents. Yay for free software!
And come on computer! We can do it. Another 6 months?
Computer on the edge
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