Friday, September 4, 2009

Planning for the Fall

Maybe it's because we are realizing that end of summer is fast approaching, and we need to do as much as we can.  My calendar is jammed full of stuff.  This weekend I am not going anywhere.  But my friends and I have lots planned around town.


I am also planning into the fall.  On the regular schedule this fall is a Belly dance class, a yoga class, one night a week to mentor/advise some high school students, and I'm going to do a distance education course (because I'm too lazy to go to the college).


I also would like to do a craft project.  One of the posts on Apartment therapy featured a blanket made out of old T-shirts.  I thought it was a great idea.  I have a tonne of t-shirts I don't know what to do with, so I'm going to make them into a blanket.  It will have a kind of sentimental value as well because these are t-shirts that I don't wear but can't bear to throw away.  Maybe I will post a few of them as I'm making the blanket.  I'm excited.


Enjoy your long weekend all!