Phew… I've been like the little energizer bunny this last little while. Finally I'm getting a break on this snowy Friday. Who knows I might not even have lunch at my desk today. Next week will be one last push to finish things before Christmas and I should have some relaxed time.
Apparently I'm not the only one. Everyone in my family has been going like mad lately. I texted Sis about Christmas and she didn't get a chance to reply until like 4 days later. Anyway, I asked if we can skip the whole Christmas present exchange this year. She agreed. Everyone in my family is hard to shop for because either they have everything or they gawk at how much whatever we give them cost. I feel if we had to get gifts this year it would a last minute effort, where we spend too much on things no one really want.
Instead, when I have some time after next week, I'm going to find some recipes for some Christmas treats and dishes for our Christmas eve dinner (yep…the only time we can get together this year).
I love Christmas. Not for the presents, but the warm, fuzzy I feel all through December. I like seeing old friends that make it home for Christmas. I love all the fundraisers for charities because people are all in a giving spirit. I love the Christmas specials, movies, and carols. I can't wait for my annual Feel Good Christmas Movies marathon.
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