Saturday, July 26, 2014

Thyme ID - Free Baby Samples

It's wedding season.  This means I have to find something new to wear to weddings that fits my new pregnant size.  Last night I dropped by Thyme Maternity as it is the only all maternity shop that came to mind, and found a dress for this weekend's wedding.  $80.  Not bad considering it is a maternity dress that will have use for a limited time.

At the cash the lady asked if I wanted o sign up for Thyme ID.  I wasn't sure at first because loyal programs are long term and pregenancy is only for so long.  But she told me it was free and I get some free samples, which sold me.

Here is what I got for signing up:
1 Avent Sample bottle
1 pink baby onesie (which works because we are having a girl)
1 $5 coupon for The Children's Place with no minimum purchase and December 2014 expiry date so lots of time to find something
1 $10 coupon for Babies R Us with $50 minimum purchase with some exclusions and January 2015 expiry
1 Thyme VIP Savings book with various expiry dates and minimum purchase
 Various information booklets on Safe food handling etc.

I looked this up online when I got home.  It doesn't say anything about the booklets or the onesie so I expect there may be variations at stores.  Best to ask at your specific store.