I happen to glance at an email this week from the Calgary Co-op highlighting something called "Free Product Friday".
Not sure if this is every Friday but I downloaded the Co-op App and got a 3 Roll pack of Viva Vantage Towels ($4.99) for free today. Check it out for next Friday.
The Entertainment BookAlthough I don’t get the hundreds of dollars of savings from this book, the Entertainment book is actually pretty good for savings. Here are a couple of sites for US and Canadians who are considering buying the book.Canada:G…Read More
Save Money, Use the LibraryHow could I forget? Yesterday, on the radio I heard a song from Bon Jovi’s Lost Highway album. I liked it. I want it. I thought maybe I could use that coupon I have for HMV and buy the CD. I was going to do it this wee…Read More
Dry CleaningToday is chores day. I dropped off my dry cleaning stuff at the cleaners and ironed pants and shirts in my closet that were cleaned last week but had no time to iron.I wish I could send all my stuff to the cleaners and get t…Read More
Eye Contacts & Canadian CouponsI waited and waited, but I finally caved and ordered my new contacts. I ordered from Clearly Contacts, which offered free shipping for orders over $99.Then I found a coupon code on Visaperks.ca. Enter coupon code VISA2008CA…Read More
Free Jewelry Cleaning AdviceYesterday I met some friends for coffee and got some free advice on how to clean tarnished silver jewelry from the coffee guy (he used to work for a jeweler).Not that I don’t believe him. But I couldn’t remember the exact de…Read More
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