I mentioned this a few posts ago. It’s something I’ve been talking about for a long time. However, for various reasons I didn’t really go and look for a job: too much traveling for work, no time for friend and the bf, and probably just general procrastination.
Now I think is a good time for two reasons.
Reason #1 is I have a lot more free time on my hands since bf left. I think it’ll be good for me to be busy so I don’t get super resentful of this LD situation. I find myself thinking (but not saying it out loud… yet) “I thought of something we can do. Oh but you are not here.”
Reason #2 is money. One of my New Year’s goals was to have 100K by mid-year (end of June). However, a few things are making this highly unlikely. First, stock market downs means that this is actually counter acting my super aggressive savings plan on a monthly basis. Then, I had planned on maxing out my company RRSP match in the first half of the year. Not possible. They will only match 6% throughout the year. Then, I have the extra expense of traveling to see the bf.
I know where I want to work – my fave coffee shop across the street. Commute to work is quick. I like the atmosphere. They have the hiring sign up for awhile now, so they might be desperate enough to be willing to work around my traveling schedule.
We’ll see.
A Part-Time Job. Maybe?
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My sister took a PT job at a small local coffee shop, and she loves it there. It's so laid back, you get to know "the regulars," and she says she has a ton of fun.
I'm also looking for a PT job, but the only coffee shop close to where I am is Starbucks. No thanks. :)
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