Monday, June 30, 2008

Long weekend

July 1 Canada day is our day off. However, this year it is on Tuesday. By majority vote, our company decided to move our day off to this Friday. This is why I am at work this Monday. Today is also June 30, my last day with current contract. It doesn’t feel very last day-ish because things are still up in the air.

It’s very distressing. I could have no job tomorrow or next month. How do I plan for that? It’s not even the possibility of being jobless that bothers me most. It’s the fact that I can’t make any concrete plans because of the uncertainty.


Canadian Saver said...

Oh that is different, I know a lot of people who had today (Monday) off instead of Tuesday. In government, we didn't have a choice though.

I wish you luck with the unknowns with your job... must be very difficult not knowing.....

Esme said...

Thanks Canadian saver,
I'm hoping to find out sometime this week. Fingers crossed.