Friday, July 25, 2008

The Response

I sent out the e-mail this morning. My manager responded very quickly. He said he's glad that we are very close on this. However, there is no room in his budget for a further increase. He does promise a review after 6 months, at which point he will be at a new budget cycle and have a better idea of my performance. He also reiterated that we have profit sharing bonuses and that there is tremendous room for growth in this position.

I think that is reasonable. I'm glad I asked. Even though I didn't get an increase, we manage to hit on a few things that are important to me. A 6 months review and growth. Since we already started this conversation it is easier for me later on to approach them if I wasn't happy about the growth or a possible raise.

Anyway, I accepted my offer and will be starting in a couple of weeks.


laughing808 said...

congrats, despite not being able to get an increased starting salary.

Canadian Saver said...

Congratulations!! It looks promising for advancement and bonuses with the company :-)