Wednesday, February 20, 2008

On Vacation

A few more hours and I am off to London. Sis, Bil, and I are stopping over in London before going to Cairo. We are staying at a hotel nearby Victoria station so it should be pretty central. I’m looking forward to seeing London. Although I’ve been in the airports many times I have not actually seen anything of London.

I just checked-in online and saw an ‘Urgent message’. Apparently there is a major luggage failure at Terminal 4 yesterday. They are saying that economy class will not be traveling today. This worries me. Although from the message I can only see people leaving from T4 affected, this can mean delays in getting my luggage in arrivals? We are also leaving for Cairo from the same terminal but fingers crossed that it will be fixed by then.

Anyhow, this blog will be going on vacation. Feel free to browse my archives. I will be back in a couple of weeks.

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Anonymous said...

hope you have a great trip!