Thursday, May 7, 2009

Newly addicted to 'Bones'

A friend of mine got me hooked on the show, Bones.  I'm totally addicted.

Last week I noticed that the library has DVDs of the previous seasons.  I've put them on order.  As we speak they are probably on their way to my library.

Again, I am glad to see how much my $15 membership at the library is saving me.  Because to rent all the DVDs in the series from the store would cost more the $15.

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Canadian Saver said...

You have to pay for your library membership?

Kathy Reichs was about 1/4 of a mile from my house a few summers ago... I wish I'd known! I haven't read her books or watched the series, but I think it's one I could easily get into. (she set her Bones to Ashes book in my area)

Esme said...

Canadian Saver,
Yep. we have to pay for membership. Also, it's not a family membership. So everyone in the family pays for their own card.

Kathy Reichs was 1/4 mile away and set a book in your area? That's so cool.