Friday, July 17, 2009

What would you say

Well-heeled wrote a post on “ Things I wish I would’ve known in my Twenties”.

What would you tell your 20-something self if you could go back in time. The comments were great. It feels reassuring especially at a this time, when I am feeling a little unsure of myself. It’s good to get a little perspective. Yes, there are honking big decisions for me to make right now. But so there were and will be in every stage of my life. Yes, I feel like it would be end of the world if I made the wrong decision, but it won’t. From experience, and from the experience of others, I’ve learn that we will work through our bad decisions and learn from them. If anything, I should be more confident because I have those experiences to draw upon to make better decisions now.

I think this post is a great idea.

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