Monday, November 9, 2009

Property tax glitch - get my money back

My home buying experience, the closing part, went off pretty smoothly. I think I was at the lawyer's for a whole of 15 minutes to go over the paper work. Well this weekend I found a little glitch. I called up the city to set up my property tax payment. Now during the closing, my lawyer said that the seller couldn't stop the payment for November's taxes. No big deal, they paid November's taxes, I will just give them same amount in the final settlement.

However, when I talked to the tax office, they told me that payment for November was canceled at the bank. Now I'm responsible for November's taxes and a $25 service charge. I don't think so. The morning I called up my lawyer and explained the situation. I forwarded her the invoice from the city, which shows that November's taxes weren't paid, and the $25 service charge. She's going to see about getting my money back. I better get my money.