It is an exciting day today. Beau got his mortgage approved for the place he wants to buy. This means he can waive all the conditions. He will get the house mid-October, do some minor renovations to the upstairs, and move in around November probably. It has not been easy leaving in a small one bedroom with two people, and packing boxes galore.
There are some decisions for me to make. Do I stay in my own place? Do I move in with Beau? What do I do with my place if I move in with Beau? To tell the truth I’m a little excited to have a whole place to myself again. Would be great not having to worry about respecting another person’s things, space, and schedule. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.
The flip side of that is the both of us will probably spend a lot of time traveling between each other places. One of us will be living out of a bag no matter whose place we stay. Also, we’d be paying expenses for two places.
I’m not sure what I want to do with my condo either if I move out. I had briefly thought about doing an executive rental on my own. However, after doing the cleaning and renting for Sis and my places, I can’t imagine having to clean and deal with customers on a regular bases. A good idea would be to sell it. I see a lot of condos being built in Calgary, and although my building is pretty swank when it was built I don’t think it can compete with the newer condos as time goes on. But I’ve to reconcile myself to taking a small loss on the place.
Also I just want Beau to make a big deal and ask me to move in with him. The first time he moved in it just happened. I consider it a pretty big milestone for us but we did not even properly mark the occasion.
A House for Us
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