Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cell phone offer #3

On the way home I drop in the Rogers store.  Not very helpful.  Not deterred I also gave their sales center a call.  I told them that I am considering changing providers and wanted to see what they had to offer.

She asked me what I have now.  $20 with 100 anytime minutes and unlimited evenings and weekend and $2 off system access fee.  No need to tell her that evenings started at 8pm and that with the $2 off my system access fee = Rogers’s regular system access fee.

She said that is a pretty good plan that they can’t beat.  After a little probing here is what she can offer. $17.50 for Voice plan similar to Bell.  I forget how much for a text package.  Also, she will waive the network activation fee, the first month system access fee, and first month unlimited local calling. 

Next call I made to Bell.  Leveraging all the information I gathered, here is what I finally got.

$17.30 for voice plan.  250 anytime minutes + unlimited evenings and weekends starting 6pm.

$6.95 systems access fee (it’s $8.95 - $2 for signing up for paperless billing)
$0.75 911 fee

$7.5 Fun 15 plan( 50% off for the whole term).  200 outgoing text/picture/video messages (unlimited incoming), Call ID, Voicemail, and unlimited Mobile browser.
Grand total of $32.50 per month plus tax.  Also, I got the hardware upgrade fee of $35(or Network activation fee whatever you want to call it) waived.

Maybe I could get better, but I figured I put in a good effort and I was content with the plan.