Thursday, June 4, 2009

Doing my own nails

During my last make-up and cosmetic purge, I threw out all my nail polish.  I stopped doing my own nails about 3 years ago because I never liked what I did.  Then later I realized that I could save a lot of money by just skipping my manis ($25) and pedis ($60).  I take good care of my nails and I am really just forgoing the pretty polish. 


It worked out ok.  That is until summer arrived.  I bought some very cute summer shoes for this summer, and somehow unpolished toe nails just doesn't go.  I thought I give it another try doing my own nails.  Looking over my old ways of randomly buying nail polishes and never liking or using any of them, I thought about the reasons why, and then use that as a guide to find a good polish for me.  With the right color and polish picked and some techniques I learnt watching the ladies who used to do my nails,  now I have toe nails to go with my pretty sandals.


What I've learnt?  Conscious shopping, putting some thought into selecting just one good bottle of polish.  And keeping it simple.  I'm no professional, so I shouldn't expect French manicures or complicated patterns when I do my own nails.

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Anonymous said...

Agreed, some cheap nail polishes are just nasty! I've never had a professional mani/pedi but I hate having unpolished toes in summer.

Spring Peeper said...

Doing your own toes is pretty managable with the right tools...I watched my esthetician do my pedicures and noticed that a lot of specialized tools are used. A $16 cuticle nipper allows you to get that nice un-overgrown effect. And you do need to really softeb cuticles and push them back. I bought a STRAIGHT clipper and then use an emery board to get smooth edges...a good base coat and top coat are essential and you're right, the fancy finishes should be left to the pros. However, with an investment of about $75 in good quality tools and polish products, I have people comment on my gorgeous feet all the time. Hands are harder 'cause I keep gardening and getting dirty!
So my last pedi was a year ago, so I saved a lot but miss the foot massage..aaaahhhhh