In unpacking Beau’s many, many boxes (a process
that is still going on since we moved in February) I found a brand new
Breville Ikon Juicer. Since it’s still in the box, and has been for at
least three years, we can assume that Beau won’t
be using it. I suggested selling it. But Beau didn’t want to because
we’d be losing at least half the value of the rather expensive juicer.
Why did he buy it in the first place (my guess is remnants of a previous

Solution? I am going to start juicing. Actually,
I’ve been hearing about the benefits of juicing and am quite interested
in trying it and work it into my meals/snacks. Here is what I bought for my first juicing attempt ( I
have some carrots, kale, spinach, and lemon
in the fridge) so I should have everything I need for a couple of
different recipes.
I’ve been hearing about the benefits of parsley
(Breath freshener, detoxification, improves body order, improves energy,
nerve stimulant), so I made sure to have parsley in the recipes I
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