It took about 2 minutes to get a new account, charge it up with credit card and start calling. The rates are reasonable at 0.017Euro per minute. With this on my USB I can make calls on any computer with a headset and Internet connection.
Skype to the Rescue
My IP phone decided to stop working on the first day of my trip. I was in quite a bind. Taking hour long international conference calls on my hotel or mobile phone would cost a fortune, but I needed a phone. After a fruitless day where I had to explain my problem to 3 different IT people and the promise of more of the same to come, I went looking for alternatives. This is when I found that I have Skype pre-loaded on my U3 enabled USB key.
i love skype too! i use it all the time for overseas calls. i especially loved it when in 2006 they had a promotion where you could call any land line in canada or the usa from skype for free!
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