I've been really bad with preparing meals. I don't how this happened but I've stopped trying to cook. When I 'cook' at home, it's usually a bowl of soup or a salad. To get myself of the rut, I'm getting some recipes for my favorite dishes a la crock pot.
Here is the list of recipes I would like to try. You will notice a lot of these came from the 'A Year of Slow Cooking blog. It kind of inspired me. I'll keep you posted on how these turn out.
Slow Cooker French Onion Soup
Old fashion Chicken Noodle Soup
Slow Cooker Lasagne
Slow Cooker Beef Bourguignon
Slow Cooker Potato Leek Soup
Crockpot Ox Tail Stew
Slow Cooker Asian Short Ribs
Slow Cooker Borscht
Crockpot Time
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